Sunday, December 22, 2013

Everywhere you go...

PEOPLE!!!  Everywhere!!!  The holiday season on full-tilt, no holds barred.  I wish there was a way to show someone how very hard you worked for their gifts.  I went to get one last gift yesterday, and braved the mall to do it.  If that's not love an dedication, I don't know what is!

I did get my scheduled runs in this weekend.  Both were on the treadmill, though I probably could have done today's run outside if I had waited, as it got quite warm. 

Yesterday's long run (on the 'mill) was 9 miles.  This is starting to feel good as my long runs are almost bordering on something resembling what I would call a "long run".  Nothing fancy, just put in the miles.

Two hiccups though...First, I had to go to the bathroom at mile 4 and the treadmill reset before I got back--so not quite sure what my overall pace/time was, but i guestimated it out and it was right where I needed it to be.  Not anywhere near as fast as last week's long run, but solid all the same.  I find that it is harder to run by feel on the treadmill and my paces tend to be a touch slower. 

 Hiccup 2--I wasn't as careful about my hydration as I should have been, and I had to spend the rest of the day catching up--something to work on next time.  No excuses for not hydrating properly when you're on a treadmill and don't have to carry that stuff!

Fueling wasn't an issue, which made me SUPER happy.  Last year I was finding that anything longer than 8 miles without a strict fooding schedule made me sick.  This time, I snarfed a couple of tablespoons of raisins at mile 4 and seemed to be good to go.

Today's run was really solid for a general run EXCEPT...kind of blew the whole recovery run pacing thing and went pretty hard.  Right knee is being a little niggly, so I went ahead and doped up on Ibu and iced it for a bit.  I'll want to keep an eye on it, and it's probably good that next week is a reduced mileage week.  It's aches and pains like this that really make me wish that I actually knew something about sports training and self care. 

I also overshot the training plan by a couple of miles this week-- one run was overlong because I was having fun, one because I needed to give a crappy run the bird, and one because I ran for time instead of distance.  Still...I need to work on sticking to the plan a little better.

Next week will be interesting.  I have two medium length runs (medium at this point in training anyway) planned for Tuesday and Wednesday.  Barring pain issues or the apocalypse, I should pull them off with no problem.  I have short runs planned the rest of the week, but I don't know realistically if I will be able to get them in.  I've already given myself permission to miss them if it doesn't work out with the travel schedule.  It really depends on whether or not I have access to decent weather and/or excessive facilities. Oh, and I'm SOOOO jealous that the weather where I live will be nice the whole time I am gone, and it is supposed to be crappy where I am going!

Still, home for the holidays will be amazing--despite my whining, I am SPECTACULARLY excited about going to see my family.  I will get to meet my new (and first!) nephew, see my extended family (It's been a year), my immediate family (it's been about half a year), and get to connect with the people I love.  It's been a rough year, and real hugs are better than phone hugs. 

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