Sunday, February 16, 2014

Candy is dandy but...

Okay, candy really is dandy.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have a whole hearted obsession with things whose primary ingredient is sugar.  Afterall, we are talking about the girl who ate an entire box of pink peeps the DAY after Valentines day.  The girl who just had a brownie for dinner (hey, at least I'm honest). 

But, and here's the fiance got me something even sweeter today!  Okay, not so much a thing as an activity.  I had my first "real" long run of the season and one of my favorites because it happens to be mostly downhill.  We took the train down south and then I got to run back home, all on glorious, car free bike path.  So, what makes the fiance's activities so noble? 

For starters, as I may have mentioned, AMA does not run...not even when chased...not even when being chased by a pack of rabid hyenas who spend the night previous feasting on hard boiled eggs and bock beer.  So, AMA chose to provide SAG (support and grub) duties via bicycle.  Now, I can't think of anything more boring than bicycling at approximately the same rate that my slow behind runs.  Not only that, but he did it perfectly.  He created the perfect barrier between me and the lightning quick roadies who went zippig past me...he rode behind me so as not to pressure me to run faster, but never did he run into me or make me feel like I was holidng him up.  He was there to provide immediate support whenever I needed, and also jumped ahead to produce lavish spreads at the side of the road.  Seriously people, stopping at his "stations" every couple of miles was like a visit to a runners clothing emporium and gastropub.  The clothing menu: wicking t-shirt, long sleeved wicking ultra warm layer, fleece jacket, go-lite hat and mountain hardware globes.  The drink menu: Gatorade, Coconut Water (only pink ones for this girl!), or water.  The food menu: Luna Bars, Brownie, Honey Stinger Chews, Salted Caramel Gu.

The run went really well and I feel spoiled!

I love this man. 

The end!

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