Sunday, February 23, 2014

Redun-dunce-y Department

Blah.  February and October are my two least favorite months of the year.  Oddly, they include two holidays, which I should like, but geez-louise life seems to converge in some sort of cosmic cluster during these months.  Whether it is some strange phenomenon of weather changing or self fulfilling prophecy, they do, in fact, suck. 

This month has been particularly trying.  Emotionally, professionally, familial-ly (if that is a word).  There are two things that seem to be okay.  First, AMA is awesome and puts up with my twice a year crazies AMAzingly well.  Second, training is scooting along.  Perhaps not perfectly (see last week for details), but pretty darn well.

This week was a cut-back week, designed to give my body a bit of a break.  As previously stated, I really want to avoid the epically bad runs of March/April last year by giving my body some recovery every 4th week or so. 

Yesterday's 11 miler was solid.  I like running out and backs, and I'd rather run uphill at the start so that I can finish up on a net down.  I know that many races do the exact opposite, but my race in May does it, so I can get away with it for now.  I needed some love after a crap life week, so I ran one of my favorite routes "Westline". 

The wind was BEASTLY on the way out, especially when I hit the short nasty hill (I have a love/hate relationship with this hill.  I love hating it, and I love doing it anyway).  I kept telling myself it would be worth it, and better on the way back...and yes, yes it was.  I was running a minute faster per mile on the way back, and maniacally gleeful for that whole 2 mile stretch.  The trip home was good too, although I definately didn't keep up the insanely good pace.  I also finished it feeling like I could have gone farther, which is nice--it probably means that I did something right. 

A moderately paced 5 miler this morning.  Again, for some reason Sunday is the ONLY morning I will tolerate a pre-breakfast run.  It was early, but it came with a reward that made it worth getting through the miles on the treadmill (it was cold this morning, and too before dawn).  AMA took me to my FAVORITE breakfast place that serves some of the world's finest french toast.  I also had an egg, because, you know, protein and stuff.  They also serve awesome coffee, so I went ahead and had a cup or 5. 

Next week has some heavy mileage, and I may have to switch my zero-Monday for a zero-Tuesday since they are predicting snow and cold on Tuesday.  I don't like giving up my zero days, but a long haul on a treadmill is entirely unappealing.  I'm starting to get into "real" mileage now, so the more that I can do outside, the better. 

Here comes the sun...fingers crossed that a bike ride is in my future and it is outside, not on the trainer!

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