Today I had a bad day at work. No one died, things just stunk. An icky, irritating, everyone is in a foul mood and the poop kept piling on. The good news is that I had a run scheduled for when I got home. Not a big run, not a fancy run, not a hard-hitting, record setting run. Just a run. A goal to complete with a beginning and an end.
Setting records and doing races is one kind of awesome but so are runs like today. But it's kind of like love. Big races and records are like new relationships and milestones. Fireworks and elation. Runs like today are like enduring love, a warm glow that suffuses ones existence with meaning and calm.
I loved my run today. I actually thought about running a few more miles once it was done, but I want to be careful about not over doing it. My knee has felt good for two whole runs, my butt has behaved for a few days, and I want it to stay that way.
I went ahead and did a bit more than half hour on the bike trainer today after my run. It felt...sweaty. I'm still getting used to the bike trainer becase low gears feel hard, and I don't really have any sense of how "fast" I'm going. Still, the saddle time is good for me, and it raises my awareness about my truly crappy posture. I look forward to getting in more training "rides" while the weather is bad, and I am hoping that it will improve my performance when it comes to hitting the trails with AMA this summer.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Rub
I wish that this was a post about an awesome massage...but no-o. This my friends, is my very first experience with chaffing. See I figured after a year of running, I was just somehow magically exempt from the chaffing thing. Sure, I've gained a couple of pounds (okay, a lot of pounds), but my build doesn't really lend itself to that sort of problem. Nor was it new gear. Running bra I've worn until it's not anywhere near its original color. Running skirt that's seen its fair share of wear. Socks that are worn at least 2x a week. Nope, none of these things.
Instead it was my trusty Nathan (Speed 2, I think) hydration belt. The one that AMA calls my "utility belt" and makes me feel like one part geek and one part super hero. I didn't notice it during the run, or even in the shower afterwards. But there, the next morning, like an itchy comet across my lower back was the beauty pictured on the left.
There is a first time for everything, and, perhaps a last. I think that my shirt snuck up in back a bit. I also worry that it bounces, but the only fix for that is going to be finding a smaller hydration belt.
But good news I'll share tonight....I did my first ride on the bike trainer last night. 'Cause zero days, I know how to do those!
There is a first time for everything, and, perhaps a last. I think that my shirt snuck up in back a bit. I also worry that it bounces, but the only fix for that is going to be finding a smaller hydration belt.
But good news I'll share tonight....I did my first ride on the bike trainer last night. 'Cause zero days, I know how to do those!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
14 days, 14 things
Soo, evidently it's been two weeks since my last post. I have been remiss in posting lately, so here it goes, 14 inane ramblings for 14 post free days.
- Week 9 started strong, but got shortened by a busted knee. I'm willing to push it when it's musclar, but when tendons and joints hurt in a way that affects my walking gait, I call it quits. I actually skipped my scheduled run on 1/16 because I was definately working on an injury. Did a shorter run on the 17th that I was pleased with, but it affected my overally mileage for the week.
- Week 9 also had a scheduled 11 mile run, which I did rather successfully. I was pleased with my pacing, even though it was a touch slower than the previous week.
- Week 10 was scheduled to be a cut back week, which it was (in a way). I hit my mileage targets, but not at all in the way I had planned. Extra mileage in the long and recovery runs made up for a missed mid-week run. Bad, bad, bad. Two weeks in a row I have missed runs and I feel bad about it.
- Part of the wonky schedule had to do with travel. I was on a business trip Tuesday-Friday, which completely screwed up my routines.
- Tuesday's run I did in the morning before my flight.
- Wednesday's run also happened in the morning. The weather was unexpectedly cold at my destination, so no outside run for me...Got to do it in a hotel with an unfamiliar treadmill.
- Totally missed Thursday's run. I was going to do it in the afternoon when it was supposed to be warm outside, but a last minute meeting meant that I didn't get back to the hotel until after 7:30. Oh, and also had a couple of drinks--I don't run after drinking.
- Got home safe and sound on Friday.
- Slept from 8:00 p.m. on Friday to 7:00 a.m. on Saturday. 11 hours of cozy sleeping bliss set the stage for an awesome run.
- Feeling guilty about missing a run on Thursday, I decided to see what my body would do after 2 days off, albeit at sealevel.
- 13.24 miles and a PR training run later (by about a minute, with 4 times as much elevation gain as my previous PR), I figured it body loved me!
- Went for a 5 mile run this morning. A bit stiff and sore at the outset. Knee a little cranky, periformis also acting up a bit. By mile 3.5 or so I was actually feeling pretty good. Miscalculated my laps and did 5.88 miles.
- Went for bike ride after lunch. Thinking I'd do an easy 12-15 miles until...
- HA! #$%^(! weather channel. Sometime between the run and the bike, the wind picked up and was blowing at 31mph with gusts up to 44. Did a hard 11.67 miles and came home!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Love, True Love.... what brings us together, today. Or, should I say, kept us together today. AMA was kind enough to join me on today's run around the park. It was a recovery day for me, with a planned 3.5 mile run, and AMA is trying to do about a 5K every other day. By walking to the park together, me departing to run 2 and a smidge laps, AMA walking one, and us walking back together, we were both able to meet our daily fitness needs.
What's love got to do with it you might ask? Weeeeellll...for starters it was cold. It felt okay to me who was running, but poor AMA kind of froze to death. ANDDDD it was my genious plan to do said adventure on solely a cup of coffee. I don't know why, but I've been digging the recovery runs on an empty stomach lately. Unfortunately this didn't work out so well for AMA, who was darn near bonking by the time we got breakfast at 9:15. For those playing at home, 9:15 is about 2 hours late for us. Oh, and did I mention that the poor man had to use the bathroom the whole time, but it was too cold for him to use the port-o-lets at the park AND he didn't want to deviate from the schedule because I wasn't carrying a phone? Seriously folks, that man must love me, because I can't think of any other reason why someone would endure all of that.
My run went well....a solid 3.5 miles. A bit fast, especially since it was a "recovery" day and I was kind of, sort of, okay really blowing that whole idea by going 30-60 seconds faster than I should have been. It just felt so darn good! AMA survived and we had a tasty, tasty breakfast of bagels after run and bathroom visit (thanks local grocery store!) was complete.
My bum really hurt this morning, but a good bit of stretching before the run made it bearable. I'm really going to have to make a habit out of stretching and strengthening exercises if I don't want it to turn into a full blown injury. I know better, it's just a matter of staying on top of it.
As of right now, next week is looking like it should be some fairly moderate (though still chilly) temperatures and moderate winds. Hopefully the weather will hold in the afternoons so that I can get some more outside runs completed. Next week is a 34 mile week, which represents a fairly significant chunk of mileage for me. I only exceeded that once in training last year. This year's plan is more mileage intensive, but the long runs planned are geared toward the half marathon distance, instead of the marathon distance I thought I would do last year. Here's to a week covered in awesomesauce!
What's love got to do with it you might ask? Weeeeellll...for starters it was cold. It felt okay to me who was running, but poor AMA kind of froze to death. ANDDDD it was my genious plan to do said adventure on solely a cup of coffee. I don't know why, but I've been digging the recovery runs on an empty stomach lately. Unfortunately this didn't work out so well for AMA, who was darn near bonking by the time we got breakfast at 9:15. For those playing at home, 9:15 is about 2 hours late for us. Oh, and did I mention that the poor man had to use the bathroom the whole time, but it was too cold for him to use the port-o-lets at the park AND he didn't want to deviate from the schedule because I wasn't carrying a phone? Seriously folks, that man must love me, because I can't think of any other reason why someone would endure all of that.
My run went well....a solid 3.5 miles. A bit fast, especially since it was a "recovery" day and I was kind of, sort of, okay really blowing that whole idea by going 30-60 seconds faster than I should have been. It just felt so darn good! AMA survived and we had a tasty, tasty breakfast of bagels after run and bathroom visit (thanks local grocery store!) was complete.
My bum really hurt this morning, but a good bit of stretching before the run made it bearable. I'm really going to have to make a habit out of stretching and strengthening exercises if I don't want it to turn into a full blown injury. I know better, it's just a matter of staying on top of it.
As of right now, next week is looking like it should be some fairly moderate (though still chilly) temperatures and moderate winds. Hopefully the weather will hold in the afternoons so that I can get some more outside runs completed. Next week is a 34 mile week, which represents a fairly significant chunk of mileage for me. I only exceeded that once in training last year. This year's plan is more mileage intensive, but the long runs planned are geared toward the half marathon distance, instead of the marathon distance I thought I would do last year. Here's to a week covered in awesomesauce!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Get What You Want (a Seredipitously, Quietly Good Day)
Today was a long run day. I got the following things that I wanted or wished for the run. Please note this isn't the kind of list that includes enormous things like winning the lottery, rather the quiet and amazing gifts that make me think that the universe loves me and wants me to be happy.
- Epic oatmeal was epic. Irish Oats, 1/2 a carrot, 1/4 c. cranberries, 1 T. raisins, 1 T. Ground Flax, 1 T almonds, some powdered ginger and some cinnamon. Got smart this morning and threw everything but the oats in the food processor. Stroke of genius that. Delicious and required 0 knife wielding prior to coffee.
- said it was colder than it really was, but I outsmarted it and stuck my hand outside to verify the temperature. It was AMAZINGLY nice outside. 3/4 tights, silk long sleeved base layer, old wicking race shirt and I was good to go. Nice not to have hat or gloves today. New shoes are still awesome...socks, well socks were on their good behavior today. That is all I ask of them....that they be seen and not heard. Good socks.
- I ran up the W line today, which is one of my favorite runs. Body felt pretty awesome. I pushed the pace to hard, but it felt soooo darn good to run. First mile was off the charts fast for a long run, and I had a bit of a time getting my hydration belt to settle in where I wanted it. Finally, got smart and put it on the pants layer, not the shirt layer---ahhh soooo much better. Funny how you have to relearn some things. I think I knew that once.
- I got to pass some people early in the run. Mostly because the fast people all appeared to be running in the opposite direction. Don't care. I'm not really all that competitive, but it's good for my ego not to be passed all of the time, and to (on rare occasion) be the one doing the passing.
- Did I mention the weather was awesome? Sunny, breezy, and cool enough to not be sweltering!
- I stopped more than I normally do, but I gave myself permission to enjoy this run (a big ole step in the right direction) -stopping to drink and (a couple of times early in the run) stopping to catch my breath when I was lured into pushing the pace to hard. This meant about 4 minutes of stops total in the run, but I'm not really racing for time at this point. I also do better actually stopping rather than walking. It sounds silly, but I had bad luck last year with walking. When I walked, I just wanted to keep walking. When I actually stopped, I found it easier to start running again, even if the stop is only for a few seconds.
- I also felt good enough on my run that I got to do one of my favoritest things while running...SMILE AT PEOPLE. Not a pained grimace of harrowing "I must make pace" self talk, but a genuine, goofy, filled with child-like glee grin. I love it for a couple of reasons. A) I often get one back, B)It does this magic pace enhancing thing where I actually feel better about the run, and C)it feels like my announcement to the world that I have agency and can do what I want.
- After my run, in a moment of absolute clarity, I realized that Mick Jagger said you can't always get what you want, not that you can never get what you want....and today my friends I got it after my run. Yup, I realized that I could rehydrate and eat my lara bar WHILE in the shower. Food+Warmth+Water=One happy girl!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
The Tempo of Our Lives
There is a rhythm to everything if you listen hard enough, or learn to listen with your eyes. I like the rhythm of my life. I like the predictability of going to work, and knowing that there is a run waiting for me at the end of the day.
After the great poo debacle of Tuesday night, I wasn't feeling completely up to snuff on Wednesday. I felt tired and my tummy was still threatening revolt at the slightest provocation. I doubled up on Immodium and went for a run anyway...'cause, you know, healthy limit setting and self care and, er, stuff.
Pace was okay Wednesday, but good considering a) I was less than 24 hours from intestinal revolt and b) it was warmer outside, but still really flippin' icy. I did about 3.5 miles, which were on a weird route because I had to "run" (like what I did there?) an errand on the way.
AMA and I had dinner after my run and shower, then AMA opted to go walk a couple of miles on the treadmill. I figured that I would join him. Then I felt like kicking my own ass a bit to "prove" that I was fine. I was really proud that I got a pretty awesome treadmill time. While certainly not my best 5K, it may well have been my best treadmill 5k!
I slept like a baby last night and felt more human today. Feeling better at lunch time, I FINALLY got to revel in the glory that is Produce Day. I love Produce Day, the glorious every other Tuesday that results in organic, local deliciousness delivered to my doorstep. Obviously, the whole being sick thing put the kibosh on anything containing fiber. Today's lunch, therefore, was a glorious medley of all things green and white and orange and tasty.
Side Bar: When I was sick, I scoured the house for things that I could eat that were low-bulk, easy to digest foods. Turns out, my apartment is filled with nothing but whole-this, bean that and brown the other. Apparently, I subsist on a diet of shredded trees and chocolate.
Today, I got through a day of work, then went for my run. I actually did quite well, but I'm not putting up any crazy big numbers this week the way that I did last week. I told you the epic run of every day's a record would come to an end and that I would deal with it gracefully and without any shred of disappointment (sarcasm font).
I'm very excited about this weekend's long run. It's my first 10 mile run of this training cycle and it appears, according to the gods, like it will be nice enough to run outside! YEAH!!!! I am very enthused about this and am debating routes in my head. I may head out west just so I can hit my beloved hill...the one that makes me want to die on the way up and then do the Rocky Dance at the top. Yeah...wonder why this girl wasn't one of the cool kids.
After the great poo debacle of Tuesday night, I wasn't feeling completely up to snuff on Wednesday. I felt tired and my tummy was still threatening revolt at the slightest provocation. I doubled up on Immodium and went for a run anyway...'cause, you know, healthy limit setting and self care and, er, stuff.
Pace was okay Wednesday, but good considering a) I was less than 24 hours from intestinal revolt and b) it was warmer outside, but still really flippin' icy. I did about 3.5 miles, which were on a weird route because I had to "run" (like what I did there?) an errand on the way.
AMA and I had dinner after my run and shower, then AMA opted to go walk a couple of miles on the treadmill. I figured that I would join him. Then I felt like kicking my own ass a bit to "prove" that I was fine. I was really proud that I got a pretty awesome treadmill time. While certainly not my best 5K, it may well have been my best treadmill 5k!
I slept like a baby last night and felt more human today. Feeling better at lunch time, I FINALLY got to revel in the glory that is Produce Day. I love Produce Day, the glorious every other Tuesday that results in organic, local deliciousness delivered to my doorstep. Obviously, the whole being sick thing put the kibosh on anything containing fiber. Today's lunch, therefore, was a glorious medley of all things green and white and orange and tasty.
Side Bar: When I was sick, I scoured the house for things that I could eat that were low-bulk, easy to digest foods. Turns out, my apartment is filled with nothing but whole-this, bean that and brown the other. Apparently, I subsist on a diet of shredded trees and chocolate.
Today, I got through a day of work, then went for my run. I actually did quite well, but I'm not putting up any crazy big numbers this week the way that I did last week. I told you the epic run of every day's a record would come to an end and that I would deal with it gracefully and without any shred of disappointment (sarcasm font).
I'm very excited about this weekend's long run. It's my first 10 mile run of this training cycle and it appears, according to the gods, like it will be nice enough to run outside! YEAH!!!! I am very enthused about this and am debating routes in my head. I may head out west just so I can hit my beloved hill...the one that makes me want to die on the way up and then do the Rocky Dance at the top. Yeah...wonder why this girl wasn't one of the cool kids.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Poo: A Scatalogical Post
I made it. 15 or 20 seconds behind my expected pace last night, but I made it home without having to embarass myself or others.
A crappy (methaphorically speaking) day at work yesterday left me emotionally drained. I ate pretty well during the day, but binged on some leftover cookies at the end of the work day. When I started running, my stomach hurt and I felt nauseous. "This sucks" I thought, "shouldn't have eaten so much sugar right before a run-I know better". I really didn't want to keep running, but decided that running while uncomfortable was good training. After all, anything can happen on race day....AND if training was easy everyone would do it...AND I didn't want to be a (insert pejorative, gender based, adjective and/or noun here).
So, I hauled my stomach achy, whiney posterior the 3.5 ish miles to the turn around. I stopped once for a few seconds, thinking I was going to hurl, but survived without sullying the bike path. I was somewhat disappointed as I was pretty sure that it would make me feel better.
I paused again at the turn around suprisingly felt better for about a mile. Then...the pain shifted. I was running on a technically tricky section of bike path covered in snow that had melted but was now freezing into sheets of ice that I wouldn't see. I started crop dusting with abandon...I hope that all of the folks that I passed had headphones turned up REALLY LOUD...and that they all had anosmia. Then came the moment when I decided that if I had to crap my pants, I least it would be warm, though I would regret going in my new cold weather running pants.
Just after 7.1 miles, I stopped running, no longer able to stand up straight, let alone continue running. I destroyed the bathroom, showered, destroyed the bathroom, destroyed the bathroom, observed that the candle just made the bathroom smell like cinnamon scented poo, and destroyed the bathroom again. I spend the rest of bed...consuming water, coconut water, and immodium. AMA is wonderful to me, but I really just needed to stop going to the bathroom long enough to sleep the worst of it. I woke up later and managed to cram some more food down myself a few times, figuring that calories are still important after a middle distance run--so I at some "binding" foods when I woke up every couple of hours.
The next morning...down 2 pounds on the scale, so I'm going to work on hammering fluids as much as possible today. I still hold out hope that today's 3 mile run will happen, but no promises. It's definitely happening on the treadmill if it does!
A crappy (methaphorically speaking) day at work yesterday left me emotionally drained. I ate pretty well during the day, but binged on some leftover cookies at the end of the work day. When I started running, my stomach hurt and I felt nauseous. "This sucks" I thought, "shouldn't have eaten so much sugar right before a run-I know better". I really didn't want to keep running, but decided that running while uncomfortable was good training. After all, anything can happen on race day....AND if training was easy everyone would do it...AND I didn't want to be a (insert pejorative, gender based, adjective and/or noun here).
So, I hauled my stomach achy, whiney posterior the 3.5 ish miles to the turn around. I stopped once for a few seconds, thinking I was going to hurl, but survived without sullying the bike path. I was somewhat disappointed as I was pretty sure that it would make me feel better.
I paused again at the turn around suprisingly felt better for about a mile. Then...the pain shifted. I was running on a technically tricky section of bike path covered in snow that had melted but was now freezing into sheets of ice that I wouldn't see. I started crop dusting with abandon...I hope that all of the folks that I passed had headphones turned up REALLY LOUD...and that they all had anosmia. Then came the moment when I decided that if I had to crap my pants, I least it would be warm, though I would regret going in my new cold weather running pants.
Just after 7.1 miles, I stopped running, no longer able to stand up straight, let alone continue running. I destroyed the bathroom, showered, destroyed the bathroom, destroyed the bathroom, observed that the candle just made the bathroom smell like cinnamon scented poo, and destroyed the bathroom again. I spend the rest of bed...consuming water, coconut water, and immodium. AMA is wonderful to me, but I really just needed to stop going to the bathroom long enough to sleep the worst of it. I woke up later and managed to cram some more food down myself a few times, figuring that calories are still important after a middle distance run--so I at some "binding" foods when I woke up every couple of hours.
The next morning...down 2 pounds on the scale, so I'm going to work on hammering fluids as much as possible today. I still hold out hope that today's 3 mile run will happen, but no promises. It's definitely happening on the treadmill if it does!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
That's all you can eat.
Okay, so every once in a while I look up and remember that runners can't really "eat anything they want and not gain weight". Every once in a while, like, oh, I don't know...this morning maybe? Some how I have managed to put on a smashing 5 pounds this holiday season. Not muscle mind you..not temporary PMS water weight bloat...but an actual lardy 5 lbs. I don't like it, and it is unsettling.
To celebrate this monumental occasion (my ass being the monument), I snarfed down a ginormous order of thai sweet chili fries, a cinnamon crunch bagel, two pieces of cheese, some peppermint sticks and two small bowls of raisin bran...all between 5 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. last night. After all, one should not celebrate the start of a healthy eating plan with carrot sticks.
It takes me FOREVER to build good habits and about 3 seconds to destroy success and failure I have only two settings- ON and OFF. So, it's time to go back ON the Whole-Foods-Balanced-Nutrition bandwagon and OFF the See-Delicious-Crap-Eat-Delicious-Crap diet. Today, so far, so good.
AMA teases me about my "Epic Oatmeal" but it is one of the few things in my food life that has remained consistent. It goes something like this--1/3 c. irish oats, 3/4 c. water, 1/2 piece or 1/4 c. fruit/veggie 1, 1/2 piece or 1/4 c. fruit/veggie 2, random spices. Nuke 5 minutes (the fruits/veggies prevent boil's a feature). Cool slightly and add 1/4 c. milk. consume with 16 oz water and 12ish oz coffee with 1/4 c. milk. Done.
I really wish that I could find a way to make lunch and dinner as easy as breakfast. Breakfast has all of the things I like including A)Automated-no thinking required, B)Variety-it's not the exact same thing every day, C)Consistency-nutritious, fairly calorically consistent, D)Delicious. I just wish that my other meals could be so easy. Other meals are harder because of scheduling difficulties, emotional eating tendencies, and (at least with dinner) trying to come up with meals that meet the needs of two VERY different sets of eating preferences.
I don't really intend for this to be much of a food blog, but food and fitness seem to be tied together. Unfortunately, I have a history of REALLY unhealthy eating patterns, so tracking my food intake can't work as cleanly as tracking my workouts. Still, I'd love to get to a point where I am eating healthy, whole foods, in quantities that meet my nutritional & caloric needs, at appropriate intervals, that are delicious, satisfying, and can be enjoyed with others. It's good to have a goal.
Oh, and for the running bit of things. Put in my slightly more than 3 mile recovery run today on the treadmill according to schedule. Perhaps this was the first "boring" run that I have ever experienced. It was slow, the music was mediocre, and the scenery was the inside of a small apartment gym. Still, I'm glad that I put in the miles, and proud of myself for doing the miles slow. This year I am really fascinated by doing real "training" runs instead of just putting in the miles. I can't wait until my weekly mileage plateaus so that I can really work on hill and speed work. Right now, I'm just building a base, and I probably can't keep setting training PR's every week the way that I have been.
To celebrate this monumental occasion (my ass being the monument), I snarfed down a ginormous order of thai sweet chili fries, a cinnamon crunch bagel, two pieces of cheese, some peppermint sticks and two small bowls of raisin bran...all between 5 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. last night. After all, one should not celebrate the start of a healthy eating plan with carrot sticks.
It takes me FOREVER to build good habits and about 3 seconds to destroy success and failure I have only two settings- ON and OFF. So, it's time to go back ON the Whole-Foods-Balanced-Nutrition bandwagon and OFF the See-Delicious-Crap-Eat-Delicious-Crap diet. Today, so far, so good.
AMA teases me about my "Epic Oatmeal" but it is one of the few things in my food life that has remained consistent. It goes something like this--1/3 c. irish oats, 3/4 c. water, 1/2 piece or 1/4 c. fruit/veggie 1, 1/2 piece or 1/4 c. fruit/veggie 2, random spices. Nuke 5 minutes (the fruits/veggies prevent boil's a feature). Cool slightly and add 1/4 c. milk. consume with 16 oz water and 12ish oz coffee with 1/4 c. milk. Done.
I really wish that I could find a way to make lunch and dinner as easy as breakfast. Breakfast has all of the things I like including A)Automated-no thinking required, B)Variety-it's not the exact same thing every day, C)Consistency-nutritious, fairly calorically consistent, D)Delicious. I just wish that my other meals could be so easy. Other meals are harder because of scheduling difficulties, emotional eating tendencies, and (at least with dinner) trying to come up with meals that meet the needs of two VERY different sets of eating preferences.
I don't really intend for this to be much of a food blog, but food and fitness seem to be tied together. Unfortunately, I have a history of REALLY unhealthy eating patterns, so tracking my food intake can't work as cleanly as tracking my workouts. Still, I'd love to get to a point where I am eating healthy, whole foods, in quantities that meet my nutritional & caloric needs, at appropriate intervals, that are delicious, satisfying, and can be enjoyed with others. It's good to have a goal.
Oh, and for the running bit of things. Put in my slightly more than 3 mile recovery run today on the treadmill according to schedule. Perhaps this was the first "boring" run that I have ever experienced. It was slow, the music was mediocre, and the scenery was the inside of a small apartment gym. Still, I'm glad that I put in the miles, and proud of myself for doing the miles slow. This year I am really fascinated by doing real "training" runs instead of just putting in the miles. I can't wait until my weekly mileage plateaus so that I can really work on hill and speed work. Right now, I'm just building a base, and I probably can't keep setting training PR's every week the way that I have been.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Tunes and Treadmills
Today's 9 mile run happened on the treadmill. I didn't feel like being a rock star and running while with was snowing and blowing today. Long run in the slippery cold didn't sound like much fun, so I opted for the inside instead.
I rocked it nice and slow today, as per the instructions of my training plan. I really felt like I could have pushed it harder today, but AMA told me that this was a good thing and I should stick with that instead of the "I'm gonna die now" feeling that I usually experience.
There are two main podcasts that I use for runs--Podrunner and Jog Tunes. I like the podrunner podcasts when I am focused on doing harder runs because it keeps me focused on my cadence. I like Jog Tunes for easier paced and longer runs because the music has words, which serves to keep me entertained. At some point, when I have more discretionary resources, I will make big ole donations to these folks, as runs wouldn't be the same without them. Also, I learn new things about apparently I like running to raggae.
AMA came down to walk while I ran on the treadmill today. It was nice to have the company. His fitness goals are different than mine, but it is awesome that he is willing to spend time doing things with me. THe nice thing about the treadmills is that we can each do our own thing. He's more of a hiking steep climbs kind of person than a running kind of person. Luckily, the fitness center can accomodate. The stationary bike sucks though, so he doesn't have that as an option.
I'm seriously considering a bike trainer so that we have a cross training option other than walking/running/weight lifting. We'll have to see if we can afford something that our downstairs neighbor won't hate us for!
I rocked it nice and slow today, as per the instructions of my training plan. I really felt like I could have pushed it harder today, but AMA told me that this was a good thing and I should stick with that instead of the "I'm gonna die now" feeling that I usually experience.
There are two main podcasts that I use for runs--Podrunner and Jog Tunes. I like the podrunner podcasts when I am focused on doing harder runs because it keeps me focused on my cadence. I like Jog Tunes for easier paced and longer runs because the music has words, which serves to keep me entertained. At some point, when I have more discretionary resources, I will make big ole donations to these folks, as runs wouldn't be the same without them. Also, I learn new things about apparently I like running to raggae.
AMA came down to walk while I ran on the treadmill today. It was nice to have the company. His fitness goals are different than mine, but it is awesome that he is willing to spend time doing things with me. THe nice thing about the treadmills is that we can each do our own thing. He's more of a hiking steep climbs kind of person than a running kind of person. Luckily, the fitness center can accomodate. The stationary bike sucks though, so he doesn't have that as an option.
I'm seriously considering a bike trainer so that we have a cross training option other than walking/running/weight lifting. We'll have to see if we can afford something that our downstairs neighbor won't hate us for!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
And another one bites the dust!
Another run, another new for a 10K (okay a smidge over, but garmin doesn't celebrate every pr for every random distance run once). What impressed me the most was that it would have been faster if the fast sections hadn't been so darn slippery! The bike path was mostly clear, except for the parts that the fences prevent the sun from reaching during the warm part of the day. Okay, it was a good feeling run today, and I was glad that I did it.
Also, theorhetically, I did some math and there's another 100 miles or so on my old shoes. The new ones are so very nice...still I was pleased to get a solid run in on the old ones today. The only thing that I don't like about my garmin is that there doesn't seem to be a quick and dirty way to track shoe mileage on the online platform. Not sure if I haven't found it or if it doesn't exist. Still, I would love to see a little box on the detail edit section with a drop down menu for pairs of shoes that are in the current rotation.
Although only peripherally related to running, I must say that my new pair of under armour compression tights (from the awesome day of purchases at sports authority), are quite smashing indeed. They are both comfy and becomming. Now if only I could find a way to work them into my normal wardrobe...!
Finally, I just found out that I would be traveling at the end of the month for work. This is an expected occurrence and happens just frequently enough to throw me off a bit. I got lucky turns out that my hotel is only 1 mile away from what is purported to be one heck of a paved rails to trails path. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Also, theorhetically, I did some math and there's another 100 miles or so on my old shoes. The new ones are so very nice...still I was pleased to get a solid run in on the old ones today. The only thing that I don't like about my garmin is that there doesn't seem to be a quick and dirty way to track shoe mileage on the online platform. Not sure if I haven't found it or if it doesn't exist. Still, I would love to see a little box on the detail edit section with a drop down menu for pairs of shoes that are in the current rotation.
Although only peripherally related to running, I must say that my new pair of under armour compression tights (from the awesome day of purchases at sports authority), are quite smashing indeed. They are both comfy and becomming. Now if only I could find a way to work them into my normal wardrobe...!
Finally, I just found out that I would be traveling at the end of the month for work. This is an expected occurrence and happens just frequently enough to throw me off a bit. I got lucky turns out that my hotel is only 1 mile away from what is purported to be one heck of a paved rails to trails path. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
And a Happy New Year!
Happy, Happy, Happy 2014! This morning started out with all kinds of running awesomeness--a new PR and new weather!
First, the weather. As I have raved for days, I now possess running tights. This means that I was ITCHING to get out the door this morning, and actually glad that it was cold enough that I would be able to give a new pair of bad boys a test run. (terrible pun, I know, couldn't resist) New Adidas running tights are pretty awesome. The fit is fantastic and they met my one big requirement for gear--I didn't notice them while I was running.
It was flurry-ing when I walked out, but I wasn't going to let a little precipitation get me down on the first day of the new year...and it was a good run. Okay, actually I kind of felt like 1 part "real runner" and 1 part "bad ass" for running outside today. I know that I am neither and lots of people do things far more epic all the time, but the important part was that, for a little while, this Midwestern, sedentary girl felt like a brownie sundae smothered with piping hot fudge flavored awesomesauce.
It started to snow a bit more during my run, but that was okay, because it made me feel more awesome. Also, I apparently had my own cheering squad this morning. The usually busy bike path was pretty empty. I only saw 2 commuter bicyclists and 1 other runner. The gentlemen who usually hand out on the grassy sections above the bike path were under the bridges today to stay warm and dry. They were kind enough to share some enthusiasm with shouts of "Happy New Year" and "You Can Do It!". Good weather does not inspire such enthusiasm from random strangers.
The new PR was totally unexpected as well. I beat the pants off of my old 5 K record--I think it was 40 seconds! I intentionally ran a fast route this morning, it's pretty flat with a slight incline on the way out and a decline on the way back...still I wasn't expecting anything that awesome!
Oh, yeah, and I'm pretty enthused about the running shoes I got for Christmas. I think there is magic in them!
First, the weather. As I have raved for days, I now possess running tights. This means that I was ITCHING to get out the door this morning, and actually glad that it was cold enough that I would be able to give a new pair of bad boys a test run. (terrible pun, I know, couldn't resist) New Adidas running tights are pretty awesome. The fit is fantastic and they met my one big requirement for gear--I didn't notice them while I was running.
It was flurry-ing when I walked out, but I wasn't going to let a little precipitation get me down on the first day of the new year...and it was a good run. Okay, actually I kind of felt like 1 part "real runner" and 1 part "bad ass" for running outside today. I know that I am neither and lots of people do things far more epic all the time, but the important part was that, for a little while, this Midwestern, sedentary girl felt like a brownie sundae smothered with piping hot fudge flavored awesomesauce.
It started to snow a bit more during my run, but that was okay, because it made me feel more awesome. Also, I apparently had my own cheering squad this morning. The usually busy bike path was pretty empty. I only saw 2 commuter bicyclists and 1 other runner. The gentlemen who usually hand out on the grassy sections above the bike path were under the bridges today to stay warm and dry. They were kind enough to share some enthusiasm with shouts of "Happy New Year" and "You Can Do It!". Good weather does not inspire such enthusiasm from random strangers.
The new PR was totally unexpected as well. I beat the pants off of my old 5 K record--I think it was 40 seconds! I intentionally ran a fast route this morning, it's pretty flat with a slight incline on the way out and a decline on the way back...still I wasn't expecting anything that awesome!
Oh, yeah, and I'm pretty enthused about the running shoes I got for Christmas. I think there is magic in them!
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