Saturday, January 11, 2014

Get What You Want (a Seredipitously, Quietly Good Day)

Today was a long run day.  I got the following things that I wanted or wished for the run.  Please note this isn't the kind of list that includes enormous things like winning the lottery, rather the quiet and amazing gifts that make me think that the universe loves me and wants me to be happy. 
  1. Epic oatmeal was epic.  Irish Oats, 1/2 a carrot, 1/4 c. cranberries, 1 T. raisins, 1 T. Ground Flax, 1 T almonds, some powdered ginger and some cinnamon.  Got smart this morning and threw everything but the oats in the food processor.  Stroke of genius that.  Delicious and required 0 knife wielding prior to coffee.
  2. said it was colder than it really was, but I outsmarted it and stuck my hand outside to verify the temperature.  It was AMAZINGLY nice outside.  3/4 tights, silk long sleeved base layer, old wicking race shirt and I was good to go.  Nice not to have hat or gloves today.  New shoes are still awesome...socks, well socks were on their good behavior today.  That is all I ask of them....that they be seen and not heard.  Good socks.
  3. I ran up the W line today, which is one of my favorite runs.  Body felt pretty awesome.  I pushed the pace to hard, but it felt soooo darn good to run.  First mile was off the charts fast for a long run, and I had a bit of a time getting my hydration belt to settle in where I wanted it.  Finally, got smart and put it on the pants layer, not the shirt layer---ahhh soooo much better.  Funny how you have to relearn some things.  I think I knew that once. 
  4. I got to pass some people early in the run.  Mostly because the fast people all appeared to be running in the opposite direction.  Don't care.  I'm not really all that competitive, but it's good for my ego not to be passed all of the time, and to (on rare occasion) be the one doing the passing. 
  5. Did I mention the weather was awesome?  Sunny, breezy, and cool enough to not be sweltering!
  6. I stopped more than I normally do, but I gave myself permission to enjoy this run (a big ole step in the right direction) -stopping to drink and (a couple of times early in the run) stopping to catch my breath when I was lured into pushing the pace to hard.  This meant about 4 minutes of stops total in the run, but I'm not really racing for time at this point.  I also do better actually stopping rather than walking.  It sounds silly, but I had bad luck last year with walking.  When I walked, I just wanted to keep walking.  When I actually stopped, I found it easier to start running again, even if the stop is only for a few seconds. 
  7. I also felt good enough on my run that I got to do one of my favoritest things while running...SMILE AT PEOPLE.  Not a pained grimace of harrowing "I must make pace" self talk, but a genuine, goofy, filled with child-like glee grin.  I love it for a couple of reasons.  A) I often get one back, B)It does this magic pace enhancing thing where I actually feel better about the run, and C)it feels like my announcement to the world that I have agency and can do what I want.
  8. After my run, in a moment of absolute clarity, I realized that Mick Jagger said you can't always get what you want, not that you can never get what you want....and today my friends I got it after my run.  Yup, I realized that I could rehydrate and eat my lara bar WHILE in the shower.  Food+Warmth+Water=One happy girl!
 Days like today remind me what I love about running.  Sure it's hard, but it's also rewarding.  When I love the running, it loves me back.  It's a pretty special thing!

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