Sunday, January 26, 2014

14 days, 14 things

Soo, evidently it's been two weeks since my last post.  I have been remiss in posting lately, so here it goes, 14 inane ramblings for 14 post free days.

  1. Week 9 started strong, but got shortened by a busted knee.  I'm willing to push it when it's musclar, but when tendons and joints hurt in a way that affects my walking gait, I call it quits.  I actually skipped my scheduled run on 1/16 because I was definately working on an injury.  Did a shorter run on the 17th that I was pleased with, but it affected my overally mileage for the week. 
  2. Week 9 also had a scheduled 11 mile run, which I did rather successfully.  I was pleased with my pacing, even though it was a touch slower than the previous week. 
  3. Week 10 was scheduled to be a cut back week, which it was (in a way). I hit my mileage targets, but not at all in the way I had planned.  Extra mileage in the long and recovery runs made up for a missed mid-week run. Bad, bad, bad.  Two weeks in a row I have missed runs and I feel bad about it. 
  4. Part of the wonky schedule had to do with travel.  I was on a business trip Tuesday-Friday, which completely screwed up my routines.  
  5. Tuesday's run I did in the morning before my flight.  
  6. Wednesday's run also happened in the morning.  The weather was unexpectedly cold at my destination, so no outside run for me...Got to do it in a hotel with an unfamiliar treadmill.  
  7. Totally missed Thursday's run.  I was going to do it in the afternoon when it was supposed to be warm outside, but a last minute meeting meant that I didn't get back to the hotel until after 7:30.   Oh, and also had a couple of drinks--I don't run after drinking. 
  8. Got home safe and sound on Friday.  
  9. Slept from 8:00 p.m. on Friday to 7:00 a.m. on Saturday.  11 hours of cozy sleeping bliss set the stage for an awesome run. 
  10. Feeling guilty about missing a run on Thursday, I decided to see what my body would do after 2 days off, albeit at sealevel.
  11. 13.24 miles and a PR training run later (by about a minute, with 4 times as much elevation gain as my previous PR), I figured it body loved me!
  12. Went for a 5 mile run this morning.  A bit stiff and sore at the outset.  Knee a little cranky, periformis also acting up a bit.  By mile 3.5 or so I was actually feeling pretty good.  Miscalculated my laps and did 5.88 miles. 
  13. Went for bike ride after lunch.  Thinking I'd do an easy 12-15 miles until...
  14. HA!  #$%^(!  weather channel.  Sometime between the run and the bike, the wind picked up and was blowing at 31mph with gusts up to 44.  Did a hard 11.67 miles and came home!

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