Sunday, January 5, 2014

That's all you can eat.

Okay, so every once in a while I look up and remember that runners can't really "eat anything they want and not gain weight".  Every once in a while, like, oh, I don't know...this morning maybe?  Some how I have managed to put on a smashing 5 pounds this holiday season.  Not muscle mind you..not temporary PMS water weight bloat...but an actual lardy 5 lbs.  I don't like it, and it is unsettling.

To celebrate this monumental occasion (my ass being the monument), I snarfed down a ginormous order of thai sweet chili fries, a cinnamon crunch bagel, two pieces of cheese, some peppermint sticks and two small bowls of raisin bran...all between 5 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. last night.  After all, one should not celebrate the start of a healthy eating plan with carrot sticks.

It takes me FOREVER to build good habits and about 3 seconds to destroy success and failure I have only two settings- ON and OFF.  So, it's time to go back ON the Whole-Foods-Balanced-Nutrition bandwagon and OFF the See-Delicious-Crap-Eat-Delicious-Crap diet.  Today, so far, so good.

AMA teases me about my "Epic Oatmeal" but it is one of the few things in my food life that has remained consistent.  It goes something like this--1/3 c. irish oats, 3/4 c. water, 1/2 piece or 1/4 c. fruit/veggie 1, 1/2 piece or 1/4 c. fruit/veggie 2, random spices.  Nuke 5 minutes (the fruits/veggies prevent boil's a feature).  Cool slightly and add 1/4 c. milk.  consume with 16 oz water and 12ish oz coffee with 1/4 c. milk.  Done.

I really wish that I could find a way to make lunch and dinner as easy as breakfast.  Breakfast has all of the things I like including A)Automated-no thinking required, B)Variety-it's not the exact same thing every day, C)Consistency-nutritious, fairly calorically consistent,  D)Delicious.   I just wish that my other meals could be so easy.  Other meals are harder because of scheduling difficulties, emotional eating tendencies, and (at least with dinner) trying to come up with meals that meet the needs of two VERY different sets of eating preferences.

I don't really intend for this to be much of a food blog, but food and fitness seem to be tied together.  Unfortunately, I have a history of REALLY unhealthy eating patterns, so tracking my food intake can't work as cleanly as tracking my workouts. Still, I'd love to get to a point where I am eating healthy, whole foods, in quantities that meet my nutritional & caloric needs, at appropriate intervals, that are delicious, satisfying, and can be enjoyed with others.  It's good to have a goal.

Oh, and for the running bit of things.  Put in my slightly more than 3 mile recovery run today on the treadmill according to schedule.  Perhaps this was the first "boring" run that I have ever experienced.  It was slow, the music was mediocre, and the scenery was the inside of a small apartment gym.  Still, I'm glad that I put in the miles, and proud of myself for doing the miles slow.  This year I am really fascinated by doing real "training" runs instead of just putting in the miles.  I can't wait until my weekly mileage plateaus so that I can really work on hill and speed work.  Right now, I'm just building a base, and I probably can't keep setting training PR's every week the way that I have been.

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