Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Tempo of Our Lives

There is a rhythm to everything if you listen hard enough, or learn to listen with your eyes.  I like the rhythm of my life.  I like the predictability of going to work, and knowing that there is a run waiting for me at the end of the day.

After the great poo debacle of Tuesday night, I wasn't feeling completely up to snuff on Wednesday. I felt tired and my tummy was still threatening revolt at the slightest provocation.  I doubled up on Immodium and went for a run anyway...'cause, you know, healthy limit setting and self care and, er, stuff.

Pace was okay Wednesday, but good considering a) I was less than 24 hours from intestinal revolt and b) it was warmer outside, but still really flippin' icy. I did about 3.5 miles, which were on a weird route because I had to "run" (like what I did there?) an errand on the way.

AMA and I had dinner after my run and shower, then AMA opted to go walk a couple of miles on the treadmill.  I figured that I would join him.   Then I felt like kicking my own ass a bit to "prove" that I was fine.  I was really proud that I got a pretty awesome treadmill time.  While certainly not my best 5K, it may well have been my best treadmill 5k! 

I slept like a baby last night and felt more human today.  Feeling better at lunch time, I FINALLY got to revel in the glory that is Produce Day.  I love Produce Day, the glorious every other Tuesday that results in organic, local deliciousness delivered to my doorstep.  Obviously, the whole being sick thing put the kibosh on anything containing fiber.  Today's lunch, therefore, was a glorious medley of all things green and white and orange and tasty. 

Side Bar: When I was sick, I scoured the house for things that I could eat that were low-bulk, easy to digest foods.  Turns out, my apartment is filled with nothing but whole-this, bean that and brown the other.  Apparently, I subsist on a diet of shredded trees and chocolate. 

Today, I got through a day of work, then went for my run.  I actually did quite well, but I'm not putting up any crazy big numbers this week the way that I did last week.  I told you the epic run of every day's a record would come to an end and that I would deal with it gracefully and without any shred of disappointment (sarcasm font). 

I'm very excited about this weekend's long run.  It's my first 10 mile run of this training cycle and it appears, according to the gods, like it will be nice enough to run outside!  YEAH!!!!  I am very enthused about this and am debating routes in my head. I may head out west just so I can hit my beloved hill...the one that makes me want to die on the way up and then do the Rocky Dance at the top.  Yeah...wonder why this girl wasn't one of the cool kids.

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