Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wowza Owza!

Today was my first treadmill based hill run day.  I have read (on the internets, so it must be true!), that running hills is good training for distance runners.  So, I carefully selected a well thought out plan, adjusted the pace to meet my sloth-like needs and gleefully looked forward to this evening's innagural hill treadmill hill run.  Whee!  Out of control, but safe! 

I actually failed to hit my goal paces during the last half of the run, but that was due to an overly enthusiastic planning and naivete about the specific incline pattern--I'm actually proud of the run itself!  It reminded me that I am capable of pushing myself pretty hard, and reminded me of what a "hard effort" really is all about. It also reminded me that I use very, very naughty language when motivating myself to work hard.  Really, the combinations my brain comes up with are quite astounding.

I'm curious to see how my body reacts tomorrow.  I've got a easy run scheduled just to shake the legs out, and it should be warm enough to go outside.  Also, my piriformis is acting up again, so it's back to the clams...no more Lazy Mc-Lazerson on the self care front. 

So tell me...what do you do to challenge yourself when you are feeling cocky?

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